House View

“Fuelling growth and entrepreneurship is critical to nation building.
And, the key to achieving this momentum is the mobilization of finance.”
Today, NBFC credit penetration in India stands at an abysmal 13% of the GDP as compared to 264%, 130% and 74% in UK, Japan and US respectively. Similarly, the mortgage-to-GDP ratio at 9% remains relatively low compared to most regional economies – it is 17% in Thailand, 20% in China, 34% in Malaysia. At Capital India, this underserved gap compared to advanced countries underpins our business imperative.
As an NBFC, we believe we have an important role to play in nation building by reaching out credit to the underserved entrepreneurial ecosystem which forms the cradle of today’s economic growth and innovation. We believe it presents an immense opportunity to players who innovate their business model and demonstrate dynamic adaptability. Our understanding of business leaders and their credit needs gives us an edge, as does our ability to provide innovative financial solutions as per their growth needs. This makes us the perfect platform for delivering credit to idea-smart, success-hungry entrepreneurs in their high-growth potential businesses.
At Capital India, we are ambitious yet grounded. Most of all, we are committed to move beyond yesterday’s limiting credit approaches and reset our actions to unlock value creation opportunities. We nurture a vision of expanding financial opportunities for the aspirational Indian middle class through responsible innovation. Leveraging innovation, talent and nimbleness in decision-making, we aim to realise our growth ambitions and participate in the success of a young and rising India.
We will continue to build market leadership for our SME and retail finance business through agility & speed in our actions, humility & respect in our conduct and innovation & insights in our thinking.